Dramatis Personae

Nearby Dragons:

Baron Xenith
Baron Xenith: Male Brass Dragon, ruler of Bellstone Keep and surrounding lands

Duke Mirage: Male Blue Dragon, rules the desert south of Xenith's domain. Rumored to live in a fortress of living rock that moves through the sand and can even sink below the dunes.

Queen Temperance: Female Gold Dragon, rules larger regions including Bellstone Keep, Dragonday Lake and surrounding regions, but not the desert south of the mountains. Live on a secluded island fortress on Dragonday Lake.

Dragon Empress Absinthe: Female Green Dragon, highest authority on planet. Live far to the northeast in the Imperial Palace.

Baron Ikor: Male Green Dragon, rules the swamps to the northeast of Bellstone Keep. Lives in a castle covered in thorny vines deep in the foulest section of the swamp.

Princess Strawberry: young female Red Dragon, ruler of the western shore of Dragonday Lake, north of Bellstone Keep. Lives in the city of Castleberry on the lakeshore, northwest of Bellstone Keep. Rumored to have fondness for desserts, to lavishly reward cooks that please her, and to devour cooks that disappoint her.

Bellstone Keep denizens

Count Razasco
Count Razasco the Rapscallion - noble and renowned duelist

Captain Brightscale
Captain Yward Brightscale - dragonborn, commander of the city guard

Lieutenant Aden Foxhaven - human ranger, member of city guard, second in command, scion of one of Bellstone Keep's oldest families.

Lt. Aden Foxhaven
Sir Richard Wellott - human fighter, leader of the Knights of the Corronade

Chef Gendi Finin - halfling chef, proprietor and owner of restaurant in the Outer Ring, known to give food to Anstuf occasionally

Harvey Gamblegain
Harvey Gamblegain - guild master

Reverend Zatapiony - boorish dwarf nature cleric, erstwhile sailor, reluctant teetotaler

The "Guy" - real name or even race unknown, appears to be ancient human mage with remarkable difficulty to remain focused on the present. Fond of chocolate.
The Guy

Sprig - wood elf urchin/orphan living in Bellstone Keep

Anstuf the Nostomper - disgraced and exiled desert goblin that eeks out a living in Bellstone Keep by scavenging, begging and sometimes stealing.

Outside the city

Gritsnot the Horrible - grotesquely wrinkled chief of the Stompers tribe of desert goblins that live south of the Driftless Mountains

Dame Grace of Castleberry
Dame Grace - visiting paladin

Eskestash the tailor
Eskestash - tailor that travels the countryside

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