I would not argue at all if you told me that it has been a decade since I last ran an original campaign. Life has a way of taking much from you, especially if you're at all unsure about what you want in return for your time and energy.
Nonetheless, as part of my ongoing therapy/rebranding/self-care/me-time/creative endeavour/whatever, I am concocting a new campaign for my family and a few friends. The nascent universe springs from my experiences, readings, likes, imagination, political leanings, humour and such, and so promises to allow me plenty of time to bask in my genius.
But this exercise also represents a journey outside my comfort zone. I do not have everything planned out: adventures, maps, locations, religion, politics, conspiracies, NPCs, cosmology, nada! I have a few broad strokes that I will use to guide me bumper-car like to my destination, but I don't have the confidence that springs from thinking, "I've already covered that!"
To the players (and any curious hoi polloi), any pages or entries I've published here can be considered information your characters have access to in game. Please forgive me if I cannot vouchsafe the veracity or plenitude of these records. History and legend are fickle beasts with ever-shifting appearance, so today's truth might be tomorrow's fantasy, or vice versa. (Or, as a more mundane explanation, since I haven't written everything out, some small changes (or even a few major ones) might work themselves onto these pages.)
Thank you for your understanding, and please enjoy the ride.
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